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BEACON Senior News

Kevin K. VanGundy | Publisher & Advertising Director

Kevin has been with BEACON Senior News since he took over as publisher in 2008. A Colorado native, Kevin is an entrepreneur with a long-standing career in sales, advertising and marketing and is  current president of the North American Mature Publishers Association.

Kevin believes that just as good storytelling transforms, so should good advertising. He spends most of his time fighting ageism in America and teaching local residents, business owners and elected officials that people over 65 aren’t dead yet. 

One time, Kevin surprised the rest of the BEACON staff when he shaved his head because he lost a bet about losing weight.

Cloie Sandlin | Director of Editorial & Engagement 
Cloie is dedicated to reshaping public perceptions of aging by highlighting the talents and achievements of local seniors through inspiring stories and engaging content in print and online. She leads the BEACON's creative team and has been with the company since 2009.

Cloie is an accomplished writer and journalist and a Colorado Mesa University graduate with degrees in public relations, advertising and business. She's married to her high school sweetheart and has three dogs.

Outside of work, Cloie is crossing musicians and bands off her live music bucket list. She also inherited a small rubber ducky collection a few years ago, which has taken over her desk, leading visitors to think she's obsessed with ducks.

Rhonda Wray | Managing Editor 

Colorado Springs seniors astound Rhonda with their spunky attitudes, and she prizes their stories.

Rhonda has lived in the Springs since 1987 and has worked for BEACON Senior News since 2021. Before that, she completed degrees in English and art, interned at the Kennedy Center and edited books and plays.

Rhonda is a mom to four 20-somethings and two grandchildren. She loves reading and writing, so her work suits her well. Her grandma name is—what else?— “Grammar.” She also enjoys traveling, cooking, singing, swimming, art and theatre. Rhonda has a weakness for “limited edition” grocery items, takes online proofreading tests for fun and owns too many books (and dreads the thought of downsizing them).

Stacey Splude | Customer Service Manager 

Stacey Splude is the friendly person you hear on the phone when you call us. She's been with BEACON Senior News since 2016 and handles our office's day-to-day operations, manages the BEACON's Classifieds section, and is our go-to person for anything and everything! 

When she's not in the office, she enjoys spending time with her three grandkids, traveling with her daughter, and hanging out with friends and family.

B. Bigler | Graphic Designer

Bix has been with BEACON Senior News since 2019. He specializes in the visual structure of a page, working to produce the ideal blend of text, images and space.

When he isn't working, he tries to stay active by riding his bike, tending his garden and learning new things from YouTube and documentaries.

Michael L. Madsen | Graphic Designer 

Mike brings 25+ years of graphic design knowledge and experience to BEACON Senior News. He takes great pride in designing some of the fantastic advertising you see each month, along with the layout and design of the pages you read. 

In his downtime, he likes hanging out with his children and is a total cinephile with a movie collection that could make Netflix blush. He'll also admit he's a total geek/nerd about most tech and all things sci-fi, fantasy or comics related. If it's Marvel, DC, Star Trek, Star War or countless other TV shows and movies like that, you can bet he's into it.

Jil Goebel | Advertising Account Executive 

Jil joined BEACON Senior News in early 2020. Prior to that, she sold adaptive clothing designed for individuals with limited mobility, which is when she discovered the senior community is where her passion lies.

She is a seasoned professional in marketing, public relations and communications. She earned her MBA and BBA from the University of San Diego and is a long-time Colorado Springs resident.

Jil loves meeting and helping people. She volunteers with numerous nonprofits and is a caregiver to a senior veteran. She is also a community ambassador for Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center. When she's not working, she enjoys spending time with family and friends.

Andi Falcone | Advertising Account Executive & Circulation Supervisor 
Andi lived in Colorado Springs for over three years before moving to Pueblo with her husband JJ and their dog Harri. She loves the area and enjoys golfing, fishing, going to baseball games, concerts and spending time with family and friends.

She started her illustrious career in publication distribution 18 years ago at the Kansas City Star (Go Chiefs!). She has worked for newspaper and publication companies in Kansas, Texas and Colorado—and it has been the perfect job in many ways.

Carol MacInnes | Advertising Sales Assistant

Carol first fell in love with the Grand Valley during a family vacation in 1991—it was a welcome contrast to the traffic and smog of Los Angeles. By 1992, she and her family made Grand Junction their permanent home.

A former ballroom dancer, Carol competed for several years in the Star Ball in Denver. Her skills as a seamstress were very helpful in creating dresses for competitions and performances in Grand Junction. Although an injury sidelined her from dancing, Carol continues to enjoy sewing as a creative outlet.

Carol has worked at the Mesa County Sheriff’s Department and the assessor’s office and has a degree in organizational management. She is excited to collaborate with clients, readers and the rest of the BEACON staff to deliver an engaging and uplifting magazine each month. 

Bill & Barb Souba | Delivery 

Bio coming soon.

Lyndsey Pitonzo | Delivery 

Bio coming soon. 

